
Category Archives for "Organisation"

Tax and Expenses for Online Tutors

Self-employed tutor expenses & tutoring tax tips from a private tutor

Hello online tutor! Here in the UK, it’s that time of year again when the deadline for annual tax returns is fast approaching. Sure, it’s not the sexiest part of the job, but as a self-employed online tutor, I need to submit my online tax return by 31st January to avoid penalties. The good news for all of us private tutors is that it’s not as complicated as you might think and, like my tutoring, can all be done online. 

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How to Manage Tutoring Expectations

With the exam preparation period in full swing at the moment, it can be an extra busy time for tutors. It’s not uncommon for both student and parent expectations to be higher than usual as the exam dates get closer, so how should tutors manage these tutoring expectations? What if your student isn’t putting in enough effort or the expectations are simply unrealistic? I found the answers to these questions when I joined the team from The Tutors’ Association on one of their fantastic monthly webinars. Read on to discover lots of actionable advice about how to manage tutoring expectations:

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How To Thrive During The Exam Rush

Joining me on the Blog today is Richard Evans, an international tutor and the co-founder of my favourite online whiteboard, BitPaper. He’s also the director of The Tutors’ Association and founder of The Profs, so has a wealth of tutoring experience to share. For Richard and many other tutors, the busy exam period is in full swing so I wanted to find out how he makes the most of the exam rush. Here’s what he had to say:

Richard Evans
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Why Teach Online?

So you want to teach online? Great! Why? Seriously, why do you want to teach online? There are loads of benefits of teaching this way but it's important you know the answer to this question before you continue. Having a clear idea of YOUR why at the forefront of your mind is key to starting and building a successful online tutoring business.

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How To Tutor Online Without Giving Up Your Free Time

Why do you want to tutor online? For me, one of the biggest reasons was to have my own schedule. To decide when I wanted to work and to have a proper work-life balance. I wanted free time, which meant making sure my work schedule didn't get in the way of spending time with friends and family. I wanted to work out how to tutor online but still have a life. I have discovered that the key to making this possible lies in two simple words:

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